What is Polysomnography?
A Polysomnography (PSG) is a sleep test measuring a group of variables, including limb & body movement, brain activity, heart activity, and breathing patterns. A PSG can detect narcolepsy and sleep apnea, among other medical conditions. These tests are typically performed at a sleep medicine facility, conducted by a sleep specialist.
When You Should Get a Test Done
If you or a loved one have disturbances in your sleep patterns, wake up unable to breathe, or experience any kind of troubling behavior during sleep, notify your primary care doctor immediately. Depending on your doctor’s advice, you’ll likely be referred to a sleep specialist who will consult then administer one of several tests, including PSG.
Polysomnography Test at USA Sleep Diagnostic Services
If you believe you suffer from a sleep-related condition like sleep apnea, contact USA Sleep Diagnostic Services today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced specialists.

What a Polysomnography Test Can Diagnose
PSG tests are multi-variable sleep studies designed to gather a large amount of information that includes:
- Brain Activity (EEG)
- Limb Movement
- Eye Movement
- Sleep Stages
- REM Activity
- Breathing Patterns
- Heart Rate
- Blood Oxygen
- Body Positioning & Behavior
- Snoring
- Talking
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when muscles in the back of the throat block airflow, causing snoring. Several forms of OSA involve the blockage of air passages while sleeping. Common treatments for OSA include CPAP, BiPAP, APAP, dental devices, and surgery.
Narcolepsy is a neurological condition that affects the body’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Symptoms include loss of voluntary muscle control, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and in some cases, insomnia.
REM Behavior Disorder
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder is a condition that causes individuals to physically, sometimes violently, act out while sleeping. People that suffer from it may involuntarily swing their arms or scream while sleeping. REM behavior disorder generally occurs during unpleasant, vivid dreams.
How Our Procedure Works
Schedule a Consultation with One of Our Sleep Specialists
Our team immediately gets to work when you schedule an appointment with us. Our sleep specialists pull in medical records to get a comprehensive picture of your current health. Our consultation furthers our understanding of your possible sleep conditions, and then we’re able to determine which test is right for you.
We’ll Help Determine Which Test Is Right For You
Our first concern is deciding the proper test based on your consultation and medical records. There are approximately half a dozen tests we can perform on a patient. Once we’ve confirmed your symptoms, we’ll choose between tests that include a PSG, at-home sleep study, or EEG. The tests we choose will always be decided based on your symptoms and how they will best determine the cause of your sleep problems.
Pick a Date That Works Best For You
Since sleep studies are somewhat of an involved process and require a full night at our sleep lab, you are welcome to choose a date that works best for you. We’ll ensure your quarters at our facility are prepared and as welcoming as possible during your stay.
Our Specialists Will Take Care of Everything Once You Arrive At Our Clinic
Once you arrive at our clinic, we’ll guide you through the process of checking in, finding your quarters, and applying your testing equipment. Our beds are big and comfortable, and many patients claim they sleep better at our facility than they do at home!
Determining the Next Steps Based on Your Results
Within one to two weeks, you’ll have the results of your PSG sleep test. With the comprehensive data the PSG test provides, we’ll be able to determine your condition with precision. If further testing is needed, we’ll order the appropriate procedures. Otherwise, our board-certified sleep physician will guide you through the next actions in receiving treatment if necessary.
FAQs about Polysomnography
Does Insurance Cover Sleep Studies?
It depends on the kind of insurance you have and the reason for the test. USA Sleep accepts all major insurances! As many sleep disorders can have lasting health-related complications, we’ve found that insurance companies are willing to work with our patients in meeting their need for a sleep study. Contact your insurance company to determine if you’re covered.
How is a Polysomnography Performed?
A PSG test is performed in our facility in one of our specialized sleep test study rooms. These rooms function very much like a master bedroom with its own bathroom. You’ll spend the night in our quarters with a few sensors connected to your body. The procedure is painless and quite comfortable.
You can get up as you please through the night and generally sleep as you usually would. In the morning, we’ll finish collecting data and then send you on your way. Please allow our physicians 72 hours to review your data and provide you with an accurate diagnosis based on your results.
How Accurate is a Polysomnography Test?
As the PSG test collects more data than any other test we offer, the results are highly accurate. With the variety of data available from the test–brain waves, heart rate, lung function–we can confidently diagnose your condition.